The Exposition Internationale de Charleroi was inaugurated on April 29th, 1911. The year when expos were held also in Turin, for the 50th anniversary of the unity of Italy, and in Glasgow. The aim of the Belgian event was to show the achievements reached on Walloon territory in the areas not only of the mining industry, but also of trade, culture and education.
All buildings, including those harboring international “curiosity” were built in less than a year: the first stone was laid on June 20th 1920! A record for the time, given also the preparatory work on the site which included leveling and terracing, and construction of bridges. All this has later allowed the realization of the Parc de la Garenne.
The advertising recommended: “The Luna Gardens offer several attractions to the visitors… a railroad via cable… the joyful path… fanfares… concerts… different games… thematic exhibitions and film festivals… a real village with Japanese pagodas, gardens and ponds and a few natives… “.
At the closing, on November 30th of that year, the statistics produced data of hundreds of thousands of visitors. Very few buildings built then remain standing, amongst these the Electricity Pavilion.