Mechanics and manufacturers

During the days of Pitti Immagine Uomo, eightysixth edition, 17 – 20th june 2014, the piazza della Signoria in Florence has hosted ten vintage cars from Corrado Lopresto’s collection. The milanese architect, one of the most well-known fans of the vintage four-wheels worldwide, winner of over 180 elegance competions and of four Coppa d’Oro Villa d’Este, collects specimens especially bearing the 0001 chassis number and/or products of the manufaturers of Italian excellence. For glimpses, only falsely indifferent of Michelangelo’s David and of Ammanati’s Neptune, and of the public at large,

Lopresto has aligned in the exact spot where Savonarola was roasted: an Isotta Fraschini 8A SS with Castagna bodywork 1930; six ALFA ROMEO – the 6C 1750 Zagato Aprile 1931, the 6C Sport Touring 1939, the 2500 Sport Stabilimenti Farina 1947, the Giulietta Spider Bertone 1955, the 2000 Praho Touring 1960 and the 33 Stradale Prototype 1967; two LANCIA – the Aurelia B52 Vignale 1953 and the Florida 4 porte 1955; and a OSCA Trave Centrale 1964.

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