not only Rembrandt and Vermeer

photographs and text by Massimo Pacifico

Museums are for me like cities: I like them, or I don’t, at first sight. Regardless of the works on display. Space, lights, people, places of refreshment, give them harmony, or not. The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is among those I like. Because I love Flemish paintings, especially in large formats (Vermeer, forgive me); because I find the color (neutral) of its walls appropriate to my tastes; because I think the size of the rooms is pleasant; because the lighting is well studied and realized; because there are many sofas to sit on; because there is a heterogeneous audience around respectful of the place and of other visitors; because there is a good cafeteria (and even the bookshop is not bad).

In this service not much detail is given on the works on display. For their description please refer to the official site of the Museum (www.rijksmuseum.nl/en). Only some details of paintings are shown (and a sculpture) to which I am attached; the majority of the photographs are dedicated to the public that does not dwell only in front of the Night Watch but also appreciates the many “minor” works.

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