Alla conferenza di Londra (1921) si decidono le riparazioni di guerra: la Germania dovrà pagare 200 milioni di marchi oro!
ELLESBOROUGH, Buckinghamshire – 1921. To tell the truth, next to the countrified elegance of David Lloyd George and General Ferdinand Foch’s splendid boots, the French Prime Minister Aristide Briand doesn’t make a very good impression. A polite smile through clenched teeth, moustache and abundant hair under a skimpy homburg. There is a lot of dandruff on the black velvet collar of his coat. You can not see it, but there is. We are at Chequers Court, the British Prime Minister’s residence, in the spring of 1921 for what will go down in history as the London Conference. While Briand clings to his umbrella and Lloyd George thinks about the next game of golf, it is determined that Germany should pay more than two hundred billion gold marks for war compensation. – See more at: https://www.barnum-review.com/barnums-version/cigar-monsieur-briand/#sthash.RatO0qic.dpuf